Events Calendar
The special needs magazine, Down Syndrome Amongst Us, will be included as a free insert in the Ami weekly magazine.
Parent Connect: Support Group for Parents of Visually Impaired Children
APH FamilyConnect and the Chicago Lighthouse are pleased to offer this virtual support group for parents and families of children who are blind or visually impaired. These monthly sessions are for families to connect with and learn from each other about the joys, challenges, and adventures of raising children with visual impairments and blindness. Registration requested.
Laser Bounce Sensory Friendly Sunday
Location 80-28 Cooper Avenue Glendale, New York
Contact: 347-599-1919
Laser Bounce offers a sensory-friendly experience on the first Sunday of every month for children (and their families) on the Autism/Special Needs Spectrum. It includes smaller crowds and less noise, I hour unlimited video games, and play session admission.
Chuck E Cheese Sensory Friendly Sunday
A sensory friendly event the first Sunday of every month offering an opportunity for children to enjoy games in a calm and safe environment that includes dimmed lighting, no show or music, and trained & caring staff. See website for participating branches.
Location Queens Museum Flushing Meadows Corona Park Queens, New York
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 718 592 9700 x130Children with disabilities ages 8-12 and their families are invited the first Sunday of each month for art-making activities, guided by trained museum educators and teaching artists. Each month explores a new theme and art activities.
Yahalom Chanukah Party---Monsey
Location Monsey, NY
Contact: Registration 212-747-8763
Join YAHALOM for an afternoon full of fun and festivities for families of children with special needs. There will be a light milchig dinner, family portraits, surprise activities, and a Dr. Schnitzel show. Registration requested.
Living With Low/No Vision: Dave "Speedy Turtle" Wilkinson and His Race Through Life
Meet Dave Wilkinson, also known as Speedy Turtle! Dave is an outstanding endurance athlete and a Senior Digital Accessibility Analyst at Hilton. Despite being blind since birth, Dave has achieved remarkable feats in the world of sports. He has completed three Ironman triathlons, over 30 marathons, numerous ultra cycling events, and even spent a couple of years racing on cross-country skis. Registration requested.
Lilliana Diaz-Pedrosa, Attorney at Advocates for Children of NY, will be providing information and answering questions about the special education process for their children with special needs, including visual impairments and multiple disabilities. Registration requested.
A program for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Moving an aircraft carrier the size of three football fields was no small feat! Learn how the crew in Intrepid’s historic engine and fire rooms worked together to propel he ship. Then, get a behind the scenes look at how the Intrepid Museum create an immersive virtual reality experience of these spaces. Registration requested
Insights Into Autism and Animal Behavior With Dr. Temple Grandin
This discussion will cover individuals who are sensory based, verbal learners, mathematical learners, and auditory learners. Dr. Grandin will explain the importance of schedules and share strategies to support individuals on the autism spectrum with their classwork.
My Child Just Turned 18! What Do I Need to Do?
A webinar about the steps you should take once your child turns 18 to prepare for their future. Registration requested.
Location Lighthouse Guild Technology Center 250 West 64th Street New York, New York
An in-person workshop for the visually impaired on smartphone screen readers focusing on Apple’s VoiceOver and Android’s TalkBack. This is not a class but an open discussion designed to share experiences, insights, and practical tips for getting the most out of these powerful accessibility tools. Registration requested.
Navigating Support Coordination in New Jersey's Adult Service System
An informative webinar designed to demystify support coordination within New Jersey's adult service system. Whether you're a participant, caregiver, or service provider, understanding how support coordination works is crucial for accessing the services and resources available to adults with disabilities. Registration requested.
Transitioning to Adulthood—Preparing For Age 21: What Parents and Caregivers Should Know
Location South Orange, New Jersey
The shift from the entitlements of the school system to the eligibility requirements for adult services can feel overwhelming. This workshop for New Jersey families will guide you through the necessary steps to prepare for this transition and ensure your child has the supports they need as they exit the school system at age 21. Workshop highlights include: When to begin transition planning; Key participants in the planning process; Understanding eligibility vs. entitlement; Applying for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) services; What is the New Jersey Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJCAT) and why does it matter? How to choose the right Support Coordinator. Registration requested.
Play Without Boundaries at the Please Touch Museum
Location Please Touch Museum Memorial Hall 4231 Avenue of the Republic Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Contact: 215-581-3181
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. At this event, the Please Touch Museum is adapted to provide a relaxed environment for individuals with autism, learning differences, and other sensory or communication needs. Registration requested.