Events Calendar

February 2024
March 2024
  • Working and You, Perfect Together!


    This presentation will explore the "why" of competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities as well as discuss how to get access to employment supports to make it a reality. We will review how NJ DDD and DVRS services can be combined to help ensure employment success and show individuals how they can get information about their benefits and working. Registration requested.


  • Evening of Inspiration and Chizuk

    Location Fresko 19048 NE 29th Avenue Adventura, Florida

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 516-567-2777

    Yahalom Florida presents an evening of inspiration and chizuk for mothers of children with special needs. Guest speaker Rebbitzen Esti Hamilton. Registration requested.


  • Understanding Legal Guardianship for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)


    Are you a caregiver, family member, or professional involved in caring for individuals with IDD? Navigating the complex legal landscape of guardianship can be overwhelming, especially when it concerns the well-being and rights of your loved ones. This enlightening webinar is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of legal guardianship for individuals with IDD. Led by a seasoned expert in the field, this webinar will delve into the intricacies of guardianship laws, its implications, and the importance of tailored approaches to ensure the best outcomes for individuals with IDD. Registration requested .


  • Making Sense Of Sensory


    A course for professionals which goes beyond techniques to teach you how to become a master crafter of sensory integration therapy. Practitioners will gain a deep, research-backed understanding of the interplay between the seven sensory systems and academic, behavioral, and social-emotional difficulties. You will learn how to identify which sensory system is contributing to a given difficulty and choose appropriate compensatory techniques. You will come out with the ability to design your therapy programs, combining techniques with purpose - and will always have a targeted plan as to what to do with your young clients when they walk through your door. CEUs available. Registration requested.


  • Evening of Inspiration and Chizuk

    Location Tzippy Richmond 7171 San Salvador Drive Boca Raton, Florida

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 516-567-2777

    Yahalom Florida presents an evening of inspiration and chizuk for mothers of children with special needs. Guest speaker Rebbitzen Esti Hamilton. Registration requested.