Special Needs Shadchnaim--USA
The following specialize in shidduchim (matchmaking) for people with special needs or medical issues. When calling, please bear in mind there may be a time difference to their areas.
Boneh Bayis
Call until 10:00 pm
Quote Boneh Bayis: "There is good news regarding shidduchim! Baruch Hashem, much attention has been given to shidduchim lately. However, a very important group of people has not been sufficiently addressed. I am referring to many excellent frum boys and girls who have a medical issue or some physical disability. This includes medical issues that are in the past and conditions that are current. These young people are often very well adjusted, have excellent middos, and a tremendous sensitivity and understanding about life."
"With the haskama and brachos of Gedolei Yisrael, Boneh Bayis has been organized to fill this need. All calls and all information are strictly confidential. The goals are to find a shidduch for everyone, using a personal touch, and to treat each person with sensitivity and compassion. A central telephone number was created for people to call, which will, iy”H, facilitate making appropriate matches. The number to call for Boneh Bayis Shidduchim is 718-438-1639."
Brana Malka Schnitzler
718-782-4340/ 845-494-2598
5:00-10:30 pm
Shidduchim for higher functioning individuals, including those with slight mental or physical disabilities.
Bruchie Langsam
Brooklyn, NY
Call daytime
Shidduchim for physically or mentally challenged
Chanah Leshnoff
Baltimore, Maryland
She prefers to communicate with singles via WhatsApp (same number as cell number), not via email.
She is fluent in English and Russian
Chavah Most
Text or Voicemail 612-888-7908
Fax 732-226-8979 24hr
Lakewood, NJ
10:00 am-1:00 pm, 8:00 pm-11:00 pm
Specializing in genetic, fertility, physical and chronic health issues, as well as other non-medical but otherwise sensitive situations. Mrs Most also assists in the medical research and has Rabbonim, Specialists & Geneticists willing to help on these issues.All information is dealt with in a strictly confidential manner, with medical info only exchanged with permission of those involved. Database includes USA, Europe and Israel.
Chaya Cohen
Philladelphia, PA
8:00 am-10:00 am, 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
Shidduchim for physically challenged
Chevy Weiss
A shadchan and dating coach based in Israel but working internationally. She does many types of shidduchim, including for people with various needs. Email to schedule a time to talk by phone.
Debbie Ginsberg
Text 516-984-9365
Shidduchim for neurodivergent Shomer Shabbos adults
Eli Portal
Shidduchim for high functioning singles
Fagie Braun
Phone 845-500-8635 cell 914-746-0867
what's app us 011447581880925
Chassidishe medical shidduchim only. Serious learners.
Faige Lobel
Physical & emotional
Mrs. Faige Rutner
Only physical issues Chasidish only
F. C. Brecher
Shidduchim for those with mental health & emotional issues.
Finding Only One
Specializes in singles with medical issues seeking a shidduch
Quote FindingOnlyOne:
"We are a group of 4 shadchanim who network with others in order to expand the pool of like singles with medical issues. Our work is all done L'Shaim Mitzva and hope that with the help of the Ribbono Shel Olam we can help ALL people, regardless of their situation build a Bayis. We have been endorsed and are being guided by prominent Rabbonim/Rebbitzens and all the information we obtain is kept strictly confidential. Names remain only within our group of shadchanim and are revealed to a prospective match only after we receive the appropriate consent. "
I Found A Shidduch
Shidduchim for single girls/women and young men of all ages on
medication for emotional or physical issues.
Please email résumés anonymously with only a contact phone number. Write "special" on the subject line. Include all pertinent information and how condition affects daily life/projected marriage. We will contact you.
Kesher Networks
Kesher Networks hosts a live database of Jewish singles with specific medical concerns impacting shidduchim, such as physical, genetic, medical, or emotional. When you register with Kesher Networks and complete a profile you become part of Kesher’s highly confidential and searchable database. The database identifies potential matches based on information provided. To explore potential matches further, simply click MATCH ME to connect with a Kesher shadchan to begin the shidduch process.
Clients complete dating profiles with background information, including personality type, level of religious observance, and basic medical information. Profile information is strictly confidential. Identifying information is never displayed to other users.
Experienced shadchanim are alerted once a client clicks MATCH ME from a list of potential matches. The shadchan reviews the prospects and begins the traditional shadchan process, including discussion with medical experts when necessary and liaising between the two sides to facilitate a match.
A website dedicated to the goal of helping singles meet and build Jewish homes. Singles of all ages and backgrounds, from Modern Orthodox to Yeshivish to Chassidish, or sponsors of singles, may register the required information. A select number of L’Chaim’s trusted Shadchanim have access to the confidential information for the purpose of facilitating appropriate matches.
Laya Bittman
Shidduchim for physical & emotional disabled
Leah Levy
Los Angeles, CA
Call anytime
Shidduchim for the physically or mentally challenged. Contact by email first.
Leah Kaploun
Miami, Florida
All types of shidduchim.
MATCH is a shidduch initiative for singles with fertility challenges. The goal is to connect healthy singles with fertility challenges with others looking to build a bayis neeman B’yisreol. In addition to singles with known fertility challenges, we also help those interested in pursuing these shidduchim, such as a divorcee or widow/widower with children. With the guidance and haskama of prominent Rabbanim we are hoping to help these individuals find their bashert. SENSITIVITY and CONFIDENTIALITY are our priority.
Medical Shidduchim
Specializing in shidduchim for people with medical issues. They have successfully dealt with fertility and genetic related issues, as well as conditions like MS, CF, RP, CP, and others.
Mesos Dodim
Chani Klein 845-729-3001
Shidduchim for people with physical and medical issues. We have shaddchanim for both Chassidish and Litvish special needs shidduchim.
Miriam Gross
Naomi Gorelick (Sos Tasis America)
Not later than 9:00pm
Physical & emotional
Nefesh Matchmaking
Serving singles with all special needs.
Neshoma Shidduchim
Dvora Shenkman & Avigayil Brailofsky
Recommending medically compatible matches with discretion and dignity.
Renee Finkelstein
Brooklyn, New York
Shiduchim for High functioning people with special needs.
Ruth Grunwald
New York, NY
Until 8:00 pm
Shidduchim for the mentally challenged
Schlomo Bochner
Specializing in infertility and medical conditions
Shidduch DS
Specializing in shidduchim for the physically disabled and those with medical conditions. Send resume and contact information.
Shoshana Mounessa
Mrs. Mounessa deals with all types of challenging shidduchim, including: social, emotional/mental, medical, physical, fertility and genetic. All information is kept strictly confidential. She has the endorsement of several Rabbonim. Specializing in ages 20-mid 40's.
Sos Tasis
877-55-SOSTA, 212-894-8220, 212-894-2020
Call between 10:00 am-4:00 pm EST
Shidduchim (matchmaking) for singles up to age 30 with past or present medical or physical challenges.
A free service of Chai Lifeline—it is not necessary to be a Chai Lifeline client to access this service.
Special Shidduchim
917-324-2386 Dr. Elka Pinson
Shidduchim for individuals with physical, cognitive, or medical challenges. They specialize in the Chabad and Friends-of-Chabad community. At this time, they are not considering profiles of individuals with psychiatric or emotional disorders.
Tzirel Greenberg
Yehudis Friedman
718-851-2318; 347-899-5833 (cell)
Please call 8-10pm
Physical & emotional
Zelda Cutler
Spring Valley, NY
Shidduchim for the mentally or physically challenged
Yad Hachazakah
- Rabbi Yisroel Lacks 646-723-3955 (work)
Program Director, facilitates
- Linda Markowitz
347-497-1290 (cell)
- Leah Weinstein
- Nechama Wise
physical & emotional
Yosef Baruch & Miriam Schechter
Call 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 9:00 pm to midnight