The following specialize in shidduchim (matchmaking) for people with special needs or medical issues. When calling, please bear in mind there may be a time difference to their areas.

Sos Tassis

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Sos Tassis is an affiliate of Chai Lifeline. They have a shadchan who specializes in fertility related issues.


Chava Most

Voicemail 612-888-7908 

Fax 732-226-8979 24hr

Lakewood, NJ

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Specializing in genetic, fertility, physical and chronic health issues, as well as other non-medical but otherwise sensitive situations. Mrs Most also assists in the medical research and has Rabbonim, Specialists & Geneticists willing to help on these issues. All information is dealt with in a strictly confidential manner, with medical info only exchanged with permission of those involved.  Database includes USA, Europe and Israel.




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MATCH is a shidduch initiative for singles with fertility challenges.  The goal is to connect healthy singles with fertility challenges with others looking to build a bayis neeman B’yisreol. In addition to singles with known fertility challenges, we also help those interested in pursuing these shidduchim, such as a divorcee or widow/widower with children. With the guidance and haskama of prominent Rabbanim we are hoping to help these individuals find their bashert. SENSITIVITY and CONFIDENTIALITY are our priority.



718-676-0600   Tel

718-732-2022   Fax

POB 297256

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229

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Shidduchim for people with fertility issues.

Zivugi is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating shidduchim for girls and young women within the frum (orthodox) Jewish community who are unable to bear children of their own.


Special Shidduchim

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Schlomo Bochner


Specializing in infertility and medical conditions