The following specialize in shidduchim (matchmaking) for people with special needs or medical issues. When calling, please bear in mind there may be a time difference to their areas.
Antwerp Shidduch Group
Debby Gruzman
(324) 733-50706
Sheindele Lebovic
(324) 979-12009
Serving people with physical disabilities
Chava Most
Voicemail 612-888-7908
Fax 732-226-8979 24hr
Lakewood, NJ
Specializing in genetic, fertility, physical and chronic health issues, as well as other non-medical but otherwise sensitive situations. Mrs Most also assists in the medical research and has Rabbonim, Specialists & Geneticists willing to help on these issues. All information is dealt with in a strictly confidential manner, with medical info only exchanged with permission of those involved. Database includes USA, Europe and Israel.
Yam Suf Shidduchim
Manchester UK
International shidduchim for people with medical issues