Reach For The Stars Hot Air Balloon Foundation

Temecula, California

Reach For The Stars operates a wheelchair-accessible hot air balloon. The basket has wide access doors to allow for easy and fast loading and unloading, and can carry multiple passengers.

They are based year-round in Temecula, California, but travel to hot-air balloon festivals around the nation.


Coddiwomple Ballooning

Albuquerque, New Mexico


A hot air ballooning company which uses a wheelchair accessible hot air balloon. A wheelchair ramp enables the rider a smooth transition from the ground to the basket, and straps for the chair that lock all four wheels in place and a three-point body harness keep the person safe and secure. Plexiglass on one side of the wheelchair-accessible portion of the dual basket provides the seated rider with a bird’s-eye view paralleling that of standing passengers.