Greenwood Lake Marina


538 Lakeside Road

Hewitt, New Jersey



Boat rentals and leasing on Greenwood Lake, NJ (about ½ hour from Monsey NY). They have various kinds of boats, including a number of 10 passenger pontoon boats, which can allow a wheelchair bound passenger to enter and transfer to a couch-like seat. The staff is happy to assist with transfers. A driver’s license is necessary to drive the boat.


There is a small step up and down a short bridge between the parking lot & the dock, but it is manageable with a manual wheelchairand a little help (or a small portable ramp). The floor of the pontoon boats are even with the dock, and easy to enter. There is enough room to maneuver the average wheelchair inside in order to transfer to a seat. Pontoon boat rentals start at $100 per hour plus gas.







Row New York



10-27  46th Avenue

Long Island City, New York


Adaptive Rowing  programs in Queens and Manhattan.



Y-Knot Adaptive Sailing



Lake George, New York




Y-Knot provides adaptive sailing opportunities from their accessible dock on beautiful Lake George NY.  There are lots of volunteers on hand and a hoyer type lift for those needing help getting in and out of the boats. They have a Martin 16 boat available for adaptive sailing.