Flights To Israel

As a service to Kohanim traveling to Israel, El Al Airlines has announced that it's flights fromNewark, Boston, and Fort Lauderdale remain coffin-free. Coffins are transported to Israel on flights from JFK airport. 


Flights From Israel

Kohanim are being warned by Rabbanim to schedule flights to and from Israel that take off or land only during the daylight hours.

Flights that take off or land during the night hours are navigated automatically rather than visually, and need longer leeway.  They therefore take a route which flies directly over the Cholon cemetery.  Although the kohanim don’t actually enter the cemetery, the halacha is that an ohel zaruk, a moving enclosed domain (such as an airplane) does not separate the kohain from the tumah of the cemetery, even at high altitudes.

Daytime flights use a different route and are not affected by this problem.

For further information on the matter and to receive updates on changes in the planes’ routes that may affect kohanim, please call Rabbi Yochanan Lombard of the Taharas Kohanim organization, which is working to find a solution to the problem.  He can be reached at 972-50-416-2026 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Lakewood, New Jersey

A list is being formed of Kohanim who wish to be kept updated on relevant issues at hospitals, near cemeteries, etc in the Lakewood area. For information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 732-534-0371.

Vaad Mishmeres Kehuna


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Brooklyn based  organization providing relevant information for Kohanim. They keep updated lists of roads near cemeteries in the greater New York area and the Catskills that may be problematic due to overhanging trees.