Please note: Beineinu does not endorse any particular Rabbanim. Whenever possible, consult with your own Rav regarding Halachic questions.

The Halachic Hotlines listed below are for asking about everyday Halachos. Though they are familiar with halachos related to various medical issues and special needs, it is not specifically their area of expertise.

Kollel Zichron Ephraim Heschel


This hotline is run by Rav Binyamin Forst, shlita, of the Five Towns & Far Rockaway communities.

Regular hours are:

Sunday-Thursday, 1:30 -2:30 pm & 6:30-10:00 pm

Erev Shabbos or Erev Yom Tov            , 5 hours until 1 hour before candle lighting

Motzei Shabbos or Motzei Yom Tov, 1 hour until 2 hours after Maariv

Emergency Hours are:

Sunday-Thursday, 8:30 am-11:00 pm

Erev Shabbos or Erev Yom Tov, 8:30 am until 10 minutes before candle lighting     

Motzei Shabbos or Motzei Yom Tov, ½ hour after Maariv until 11:30 pm

All hours are subject to change. Please call the automated system for current answering times or a list of multiple mar’eh drop off locations or more information.


Kav Halacha

USA   732-707-6666

Israel  055-320-0200

UK     020-4538-4538

AU      03-9111-2444



A 24-hour hotline for English speakers staffed with leading poskim for when you have a shaila and your own Rav is not available. You can ask a shaila online at https://kavhalacha.org/ask-a-shaila/