New York City has its own designated handicapped parking permits, which permit curbside parking within the city’s limits.  No other city or state permits may be used to park on city streets. Drivers holding state permits may park in areas where the International Symbol Of Access is displayed, as long as the permit holder is riding in the vehicle.  Those spaces include all off-street parking lots such as malls, shopping centers, and office buildings.

According to the city’s Department of Transportation, the areas where one may park with a New York City permit include “all No Parking zones except those marked as taxi stands; ‘No Parking’ or ‘No Standing’ spaces authorized for doctors, press, diplomats, and government agencies; at parking meters without depositing a coin; in ‘No Standing, Trucks Loading and Unloading zones except for specified restricted hours.” Holders may not park in any “No Stopping” zones, any “No Standing” zones (other than those previously listed), in front of fire hydrants, at bus stops, or in crosswalks.

For information on how to obtain a New York City permit, contact the New York City Department of Transportation at 718-433-3100 or within NYC, dial 311.