Lev Tova
A project of HASC
2018 Avenue J (between E. 21st & Ocean Avenue)
Brooklyn, NY
Frum respite home providing your special needs child temporary overnight care in a fun-filled, safe environment while you’re on vacation, at a simcha, or just need a break.
Accepting boys aged 2-8 and girls aged 2-18.
The respite house is a large one family home with 6 bedrooms (2 are wheelchair accessible) and a sensory room on the lower level. They can accommodate up to 8 children at a time.
Lev Tova can provide care for children with g-tubes, seizure disorders, and other medical issues.
They cannot service children with vents or IV lines needing RN care.
The respite home is currently free of charge to families with NYS waiver living in the 5 boros of NYC, and is awaiting approval to use waiver funding from other areas. Others are acepted for a fee.
Mishkan Kosher Respite Apartment
718-851-7100 ext. 246 Susan Peretz
Frum 3 bedroom respite apartment located in Mishkan’s residential building in Brooklyn, NY.
Planned overnight respite is provided to ambulatory children and adults ages 6—40. Nursing staff is available to accommodate all medical needs.
Kashrus certified by Rabbi Babad.
The respite service is funded by the OMRDD, and is currently free of charge to qualifying residents of Brooklyn, NY.
Menucha Services
Brooklyn, New York
Run in conjunction with Rayim , this is a weekend respite program in Brooklyn for ambulatory religious girls & younger boys running from Friday afternoon through Sunday mornings. Nurse on call. Open to all NY State residents. Advance registration required.
Special Garden
845-238-7367 C. Schwartz
Shabbos and Yom Tov overnight respite located in Monsey and Monroe NY. Serving boys and girls ages 4-25 with OPWDD eligibility.