Burial Resources




Misaskim is a New York based organization dedicated to insuring our personal and communal safety and kavod hameis.

To obtain assistance to prevent nivul hames:

Contact the emergency hotline at 718-854-4548 (available 24 / 7)

The Hotline is monitored 24 / 7 and is operated under the auspices of Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, Shlita, and his Bais Din.  It has proved to be invaluable in assisting families in crisis and in preventing nivul hames on Shabbos and Yom Tov—and every day of the year. Misaskim works with the police and medical examiners office to prevent nivul hames and expedite legal paperwork to release the body quickly.

Misaskim assists with emergency airline & passport issues, levaya teleconferencing, powerful lights and generators, sound systems, airport levayos, etc. Please contact Misaskim as far ahead of the event as possible so that arrangements can be made in a timely manner.  It is important to note that while Misaskim will coordinate with any chapel or chevra kadisha, the chapel or chevra kadisha will not take charge of arranging these items.  It’s a family’s responsibility to contact Misaskim

Shiva information is available on their website and phone line. 

They supply low shiva chairs, folding chairs, sefarim, and other items to prepare the house for shiva.  Misaskim will only fill orders after speaking to family members as no chevrah kadisha member or well meaning neighbor understands your family’s unique needs.


Chesed Shel Emes



Chesed Shel Emes offers step by step guidance to grieving families with empathy and compassion, arranging expeditious Jewish burials at low or no cost in their seven upstate NY cemeteries.

Their Chevra Kadisha responds to hospitals or any other location where a Jewish death occurs to provide dignified treatment from the time of death by removing medical tubes and devices, respectfully preparing the body for transport, and accompanying them to tahara.

When a Jewish person falls victim to a fatal incident, accident, or disaster, their Fatality Response Team volunteers spend countless hours providing kavod hameis. If necessary, they serve as the liaison between mourning families and law enforcement or other agencies. They will ensure that all Halachic traditions are followed and that every deceased person is treated with the utmost dignity and respect.


Hebrew Free Burial Society



An organization in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial. They provide low cost or free Jewish burials for indigent Jews of all affiliations in their Mount Richmond and Silver Lake Cemeteries in Staten Island.


National Association of Chevra Kadisha



A Jewish organization providing end-of-life information including Halachic Living Wills, end-of-life burial wish documentation and more. They have opened South Florida Jewish Cemetery which provides low cost Jewish burials.


End Cremation



 A project of National Association of Chevra Kadisha geared to helping religious Jews convince other Jews to choose Halachic burial over cremation.


Last Kindness


 A Jewish organization geared toward secular Jews giving them thought as to why they might consider burial rather than cremation.


Peaceful Return



 A Jewish organization starting the conversation promoting burial over cremation.