Metropolitan Jewish Health System



Services provided in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Nassau County


When a cure is no longer possible, MJHS offers quality Hospice and Palliative Care that is in accordance with Halacha.  MHJS is guided by Chayim Aruchim, the Center For Culturally Sensitive End of Life Advocacy & Counseling of Agudas Yisroel.


Hospice Services:
1.    Pain and symptom management by board certified hospice & palliative care physicians

2.    Physician oversight

3.    Hospice certified registered nurse visits

4.    Medication, medical equipment, & supplies

5.    Home health aides

6.    Psychosocial and Rabbinical support

7.    Short term in patient crisis management

8.    Short term continuous care at home

9.    Dietary counseling

10. Physical, Occupational, and speech therapy consults

11. Music therapy

12. Bereavement services

13. volunteer services

14. 24/7 on call medical support


Accept patients:

1.    Who do not sign a DNR/DNI

2.    Who do not know their prognosis

3.    Who receive artificial nutrition and hydration

4.    Who require blood transfusions (in-patient level care)


Palliative care:

1.   Palliative care consultation team consists of physicians who are board certified in palliative care; nurse practitioners; medical social workers; Rabbis ad Chaplains

2.    Palliative care can be provided in conjunction with curative and aggressive treatment during any stage of a person’s illness

3.    Palliative care stresses comfort, compassion, and pain relief

4.    palliative care can be received at home, in nursing homes, assisted living, or in-patient unit settings

5.    Any person with a life limiting illness experiencing pain or other distressing symptoms can be eligible for palliative care


Pediatric Hospice:

1.    MJHS offers a specialized pediatric team that consists of board certified hospice and palliative care pediatrician, pediatric nurses, social workers and creative art therapists.  Our multi-disciplinary team provides care for babies, children, teens and their families in facility and home settings, as appropriate for the patient and family support system.


Our staff is sensitive to the needs of the Jewish community and encourages direct communication and consultation between the physician and the family’s halachic posek.


MJHS facilities are glatt kosher and under strict rabbinical supervision.