Please note—The information listed here comes from many sources.  Please check individual groups for suitability for your family’s needs.

Links Family


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A Jewish organization providing support to children and teens facing the loss of a parent. Services include support, events, Shabbatons, publications, Bar/Bas Mitzvah preparation, wedding preparation, financial assistance, pro-bono legal services, and more.


Nechama Comfort

  • 833-NECHAMA (632-4262)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An international non-profit organization supporting families of all Jewish backgrounds through the trauma of miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss.  They offer individual and family counseling, support groups, a network of peers, training for medical personnel and clergy, and sensitivity programs for communities and workplaces.

Services to the entire community (not limited to the Jewish community) include:

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Monthly support groups for all members of family (including grandparents and extended family)
  • Guidance for clergy
  • Guidance for medical personnel
  • Individual and group counseling (phone and in-person)
  • Jewish burial support
  • Assistance for families to find meaningful ways to move beyond their loss
  • Ongoing support including assistance during subsequent pregnancies
  • Community awareness programs


Center for Loss in Multiple Births

By and for parents throughout the US, Canada, and beyond who have experienced the death of one or more of their children during a twin, triplet, or higher multiple pregnancy at birth, or infancy, or childhood.

Infant Loss

An online list for parents that have lost infants due to neonatal death, SIDS, still-birth, and unexplained causes.




Mayrim, in loving memory of Miriam Holman, strives to help families that have lost a child by providing year - round events, supports groups, and other services in which they can find hope, love, support, and comfort. They host events in the Five Towns, Monsey, Lakewood and other parts of New York and New Jersey


I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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A support system that helps provide a warm and nurturing space for individuals and families dealing with infertility, pregnancy loss, infant loss, surrogacy or adoption. 1:1 and virtual support group available.

There are currently three online support groups:

  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Loss
  • Egg, Sperm or Embryo Donation


Widows Support Group

347-414-0343, 718-851-6150  Elky