A New Resource from the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion:

A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities who Want to go to College



This new publication provides a practical guide to help people with disabilities who want to return to college - to community colleges or career institutes, or for four-year degrees or graduate education. The publication provides an overview of the challenges and supports needed in four areas: finding the right school, locating supports at your school, managing your disability and your education, and using your new educational qualifications in the search for a better job. Among the issues reviewed: assessing your own interests and skills, funding your education, disclosing your disability, and locating supports and services to succeed at school. The guide can be used both by consumers to get a better sense of how to improve their educations and by rehabilitation and case management personnel to structure their discussions with motivated consumers. In addition, the guide provides references to a wealth of additional print publications and online resources that explore each topic in greater detail.

The guide is available at the website of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities (www.tucollaborative.org) or can be downloaded: http://tucollaborative.org/pdfs/education/College_Guide.pdf.

For information on School issues:


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