June 22, 2020
Protest NY Budget Slash For Care Managers
New York State is planning to cut the budget for CCO Care Managers by 75 million dollars. This will mean layoffs and increased caseloads for our already overburdened Care Managers who are already struggling due to the recent changes in “the system”. And that means decreased services for us! Register your protest at All you have to do is put in your name, address and email address and it automatically generates an email from you. Or you can compose an email of your own at
Summer 2020 Camps
With many states not completely reopened due to the corona restrictions, many of the special needs camps and sleep away camps may not be opening or may be operating differently. A list is being compiled of all camps that are confirmed as opening. If you know of a special needs day camp/sleep away camp/overnight respite program that will be operating anywhere in the USA, please send the following information to
- Type of camp (day camp, sleep away, overnight respite)
- Name
- Location
- Contact information
- Transportation available
- Ages served
- Boys/girls/mixed
- Type of children services
- Wheelchair accessible
- Funding source
- Other information
Group Home Visitation
Visitation in New York State OPWDD certified group homes and residential facilities will resume Friday, June 19, 2020. The guidance that providers and visitors must follow has been posted to the OPWDD website. As outlined in the guidance, providers of residential services will be required to follow specific protocols and guidelines for visitation that take into account staffing, disinfection and infection controls, staggered visits to ensure social distancing and documentation of who is visiting the home. In addition, all visitors will be required to take part in symptom and temperature checks, wear a mask and sanitize their hands upon arrival and perform meticulous hand hygiene throughout the visit. Visitation is encouraged to occur outside the facility if weather permits, with masks worn by all parties and with social distancing in place.
Visitation in New Jersey group homes and residential facilities will resume on June 21, 2020, and will adhere to the new screening policy and visitation guidance.
Classroom slots available
Masterminds School in Brooklyn has two openings remaining for students 5-8 years old for the upcoming school year. The specific class is for students who are verbal, socially inclined, and doing early academic skills (such as alphabet sounds and addition). If you know anyone looking for a school that provides a combination of 1:1 academic instruction as well as group instruction, along with a very hands-on team of related services, this may be the class they need! Their goal is to transition the students in this class to less restrictive settings as they increase their independence, socialization abilities, and reduce interfering behaviors. Contact Chaya Lunger at