January 31, 2013


Needed—People With A good Heart---Beineinu receives many requests for Parent Matches. This is where parents volunteer to speak to another family dealing with the same diagnosis or issue in order to provide them with much needed information and chizuk. You do not need to be trained for this—you just need to spend a few minutes speaking to or emailing another family when they need the assistance of someone who has “been there” and understands. We will not forward your contact information without asking you first.

If you have not yet registered for this program, and would like to be able to help another family, please contact We will need to know the diagnosis or special issues that you are experienced with, and the best way for someone to reach you.


New Jersey DDD/Medicaid Eligibility Update--As of January 22, 2013 The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) officially adopted a new rule mandating Medicaid eligibility in order to receive services through DDD for adults age 21 and over. The rule adoption is also in preparation for DDD’s new Supports Program and move toward fee for service.

Individuals who are currently DDD eligible have up to 60 days (as of January 22, 2013) to become Medicaid eligible or services may be discontinued.  That means an individual must be Medicaid eligible by March 23, 2013. In certain extenuating circumstances, individuals may be permitted an additional 30 days, giving them until April 22, 2013 to become Medicaid eligible.

If your loved one is currently using a private insurance company as their primary means of health insurance, they may still remain with that insurance carrier. However, they will also need to become Medicaid eligible to continue receiving services through DDD.

To be eligible for New Jersey Medicaid, a person must:

•  be a resident of New Jersey

•   be a U.S. Citizen or qualified alien (most immigrants who arrive after August 22, 1996 are barred from Medicaid for five years, but could be eligible for NJ Family Care and certain programs for pregnant women)

•   meet specific standards for financial income and resources (i.e. no more than $2000 in personal assets)

In addition, a person must fall into one of the following categories:

•  Families with dependent children

•   People who are 65 years of age or older, blind, or permanently disabled

•   Pregnant Women

To apply for Medicaid:

· Contact your county Board of Social Services Agency as soon as possible.

Refurbished Home Medical Equipment—Your Resource is a program of Goodwill Home Medical which sells refurbished medical equipment at a reduced rate. See

Clinical Trial--Arbaclofen clinical trials for Fragile X and children on the ASD spectrum

NJ Special Education Code on Transition Services--

The Elementary to Middle School Transition: Five Helpful Hints for Parents--

Medicaid Waiver Slots—A few Medicaid waiver slots are still available for Brooklyn residents. Contact Special Care at 718-252-3365 x 105.

Assistance for Special Needs--If you need to know what special programs are available for your child and how to access them,

If you’re you finding  it difficult to apply for Medicaid Waiver,

If you  need to know what services are provided under the Medicaid Waiver program,

If you need direction in finding the appropriate individualized supports and services,

There are experienced professionals with updated information who can guide  you through this difficult process. Call 347-401-1527 or email

Taxi Smart Cards--The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities and the NYC Department for the Aging have announced that the Taxi Smart Card Program is currently underway and accepting applications. This program offers disabled residents of Brooklyn's Community District 18 and Queens' Community District 1 the opportunity to apply for the use of pre-loaded debit cards that can be used to pay for yellow taxicabs and livery car services.

Participants can use the Taxi Smart Card to take taxis to doctor's appointments, visit relatives and/or friends, use taxis for transport to supermarkets or shopping centers, etc. The Taxi Smart Card Program will be a wonderful resource for coverage during off- peak periods, nights, weekends and for trips that don't fit into regular NYC MTA transit or Access-A-Ride routes.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Myers at the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, 212-341-2060.

Chron’s & Colitis—CDs of the recent Chron’s & Colitis workshop will be available at all the "Keren Shmiel Shaya" Kiosk & locations.  CDs in MP3 format of previous workshops will also be available. For more info about a location in your area please call:

  • Williamsburg: 718-302-1014
  • Boro Park: 347-678-3055
  • Kiryas Yoel-Monroe: 845-782-8369
  • Monsey: 845-406-1242


Therapist Training Sessions—Training in the Raviv Method for Treating Learning Disabilities and ADD/ADHD and The prevention and treatment of learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD. Workshops include:

  • Treating ADD/ADHD – for more information (Hebrew) click here
  • Correcting Learning Disorders – Dyslexia (reading), dysgraphia (writing), dyxpraxia (movement), dyscalcula (math), time management, controlling stress and fear of tests.  – for more information click here.
  • School Readiness (First Grade) – Establishing language skills, beginning of reading, establishing math conception, complex motor skills (writing), regulating attention and concentration, establishing a positive self-esteem. – For more information click here
  • Academic Excellence -  Improving overall achievements, including those areas in which student feels he is "not good at".  For more information click here
  • Improving Memory Skills in Adults – Naming, working memory and more.  For more information click here.

Tel Aviv: On Thursdays, from Feb 14, 2013, 4-8 PM, in Seminar HaKibutzim – the Art Campus, on 3 Shoshana Parsitz Street, Tel Aviv.

Haifa: On Tuesdays, from March 12, 2013, 4-8 PM, in the Raviv Institute, 21 Ben Gurion Blvd, Haifa.

Introductory Lecture: Tuesday, Feb 19, 2013, at 5:00 PM in the Raviv Institute in Haifa.  Registration required.

Length of Course: 16 sessions, 4 weekly hours.  TOTAL: 60 academic hours.  After the course will be meetings for supervision, guidance, and sharing.

Refreshers: All course graduates can join the following meetings free of charge, as a refresher course.

(Credits: This course is recognized as a gmul lamishtalmim on Sabbatical)

To register 1-700-708-705,

Young Adult Program—Nitzan has a program called “A Safe Future forYoung Adults” to help them integrate into the working world. This program is geared for young adults ages 20-35 with learning disabilities/ADHD, who are finding it difficult to find or keep a job. It is fully subsidized and free of charge. They have begun registration for more groups in Tel Aviv and Tuveria (Tiberias). For more information call Adi at 03-537-2266 ext 208,