
Kesher’s website has a forum section for online consultations with various professionals in the field of special needs. Some are listed here:

Prof. Bruria Ben Zeev – director of Pediatric Neurology and the Rett Syndrome Clinic in Safra Children's Hospital (SHIBA).  Prof Zeev will answer questions in the following areas: epilepsy, neuro-genetic and neuro-metabolic diseases and syndromes, ADD/ADHD.

Prof. Yonata  Levy – a professor of developmental psychology in the Psychology Division in the Hebrew University and the Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Levy specializes in the field of neuro-developmental injuries and will assist in broadening knowledge and ways of thinking regarding these topics, with the goal of providing a possibility to make decision using a comprehensive understanding of the injury and its effects on development.

Bilhah Asher consultations in the special ed field –in her latest job in the system, Bilhah directed MATI in Hefer Sharon for thirteen years. She will provide consultations regarding considerations prior to deciding on a child's educational framework and how to act effectively with the various entities in the educational system and the authorities.

NITZAN's team of professionals – NITZAN is a parents' and volunteers' organization which acts to advance children, teens and adults with learning disabilities and difficulties with adjustment and daily function.  The consultants of the forum are professionals who specialized in diagnosing and treating learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD, and in providing guidance and training to parents.

Noga Buzaglo (Attorney) – Noga Buzaglo is the legal consultant of the HALA organization for education, which runs an information and assistance center for the rights of students and parents in the educational system since 2005.

Attorney Buzaglo will offer consultations in areas such as: rights and duties of parents and students in the educational system and how to work with the system – who to turn to with which issue.

Medical Negligence and the Rights of Special Children: Gottglick-Shiffman law firm – this forum is intended to provide answers for questions regarding medical negligence, personal injury and the rights of children with disabilities.  Lawyers Noam Shiffman and Yossi Guttglick, who specialize in these areas, lead this forum.

I have a special brother/sister – Roni Bachar – a "special" mother and an expert educational psychologist – this forum, which focuses on relationships in a family of a child with special needs, is a place where you can discuss questions coming from the children and the dilemmas of how to respond.. when to initiate a conversation… questions which you, the parents, have regarding the relationship between the siblings.

The Legal Clinic for the Rights of People With Disabilities at the Bar Illan University – the clinic offers legal consulataion, infmoration and assistance to people with disabilities, so that they can enjoy the rights associated with the disability. The assistance is offered by lawyers and law students.