Reading Websites
M.M., a "Beineinu" parent, recommends:
Here are three sites I found helpful for my son:Reading Research-based Reading Resources for Differentiated Instruction.
(membership for a year is under 100 dollars and is good for a "classroom of students". materials for K-6, with quizes, worksheets and discussion starters - over 2000 printable books).
(and from the same group: -materials organized by skill Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and langage arts instrucation.
ReadWriteThink Student Material Index:
Anonymous Writes:
Other websites recommended by "Beineinu" parents:
Progressive Phonics - an all-in-one reading program that is easy, fun, and totally FREE (available as PDFs or online).
Tampa Reads - A vocabulary building program for grades K-5
Carl's Corner - Reading specialist for 34 years makes skills packets upon request - free of charge.
Raz Kids - reading a-z books in interactive platform - will read books to the child and quiz them on comprehension.
(available as CDs or online -price ranges but not above 100 for the CD -thousands of worksheets. First 9 weeks free) We had luck with this website - It is great! My daughter loves it and doesn't feel like she's learning. Nowadays I can leave her alone with it, which is great for when I dont' have time to site and do 1:1 with her. In the beginning you will have to direct the child a bit so that they don't get lost but once they know where to go, they can work independently. - Learn to Read With Phonics