The Katie Beckett Waiver Program
A Federal program for children that need long term medical care that would ordinarily be provided in a hospital or similar setting, no matter what the family's income. This program, sometimes called the Care At Home Waiver, provides Medicaid services including nursing & other care.
Though exact details vary from State to State, the general rules are:
Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs because the income or assets of their parents are too high, may be eligible for Medicaid through the Katie Beckett Program, if they meet all the following eligibility criteria:
- The child is under 19 years of age and determined to be disabled by standards in the Social Security Act;
- Requires a level of care at home that is typically provided in a hospital or nursing facility;
- Can be provided safe and appropriate care in the family home;
- As an individual, does not have income or assets in his or her name in excess of the current standards for a child living in an institution;
- Does not incur a cost at home to the Medicaid Program that exceeds the cost Medicaid would pay if the child were in an institution.