NYS Office For People With Disabilities

The Office For People With Disabilities is the state agency which provides funding for many of the services which the developmentally disabled receive, such as case management, community habilitation (res-hab), day habilitation, respite, prevocational and supported employment, environmental modifications, etc. Many of these services are provided through the “Medicaid Waiver”.

Any of the local case management agencies which contract with them to provide these services can help you through the application process.

In 2013, there were a number of changes to the OPWDD system, under the banner of “People Centered Planning”.

Anyone applying for new services now must register for and undergo a training session called “Front Door Training”, after which an assessment of needs is made. The results of this assessment will determine what program or services are approved for the client. Training dates and places can be found on the OPWDD website (above).

A copy of the new 53 page “Front Door” booklet can be found at this link :