Chesed Organizations---New York City
N’shei Ahavas Chesed
718-438-0211, 718-377-5185, 718-998-7730
1549 46th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11219
N’shei Ahavas Chesed is a Jewish volunteer based organization dedicated to helping their fellow Jews with any type of need. Their activities range from providing used clothing and furniture to free loans to help for mothers of multiples, the sick & homebound to gmachs.
Following is the contact information for some of their most popular programs. Please note—information is subject to change.
From Hand To Hand
Clothing B. Glustein 718-851-1812
Young children’s clothing Y. Lowenthal 718-377-8733
Young adults clothing ‘Raizy’s Nook’ 718-853-4495
Maternity clothing Sarah 718-490-9886
Maternity Coats Mrs. Josilowsky 718-635-1710
Shoes E. Gut 917-499-7463
Coats--ladies & girls B. Goldbrenner 718-972-3211
Ladies Hats B. Goldbrenner 718-972-3211
Linen L. Piekarsky 718-853-6481
Furniture F. Levy 718-438-5669
Furniture R. Pollack 718-336-2821
Children’s furniture C. S. Englard 718-436-9088
Bikur Cholim
Volunteer drivers for doctor visits D. Bretter 718-436-7265
Volunteers to visit the sick & homebound M. Brander 718-854-5473
Apartments for the sick C. M. Heller 718-854-3650
Equipment for invalids J. Grossman 718-438-0211
Help for Mothers of Multiples
F. Stern 718-438-9013
Hachnosas Orchim
Shabbos meals B. Stein 718-972-3699
Pessach R. Lamm 347-439-2174, 718-435-3577
Free Loan Funds Administered by N’shei Ahavas Chesed
Pepi Licht Gemach L’Hachnosas Kallah E. Goldman 718-633-6853
Keren Brocha L’Hachnosas Kallah S. Mermelstein 718-941-4509
Zichron Yitzchak Eliezer Y. Rosenthal 718-336-7155
Ezra L’Limud Torah Tuition) M. Karpensprung 718-208-8399
Chan Stranger Gemilas Chesed F. Aryeh 718-258-1515
Haddassah Freidel Gemilas Chesed Dov Shmalz 718-692-1958
Gemach SCMF for B’nai Torah L. H. Fisher 718-871-9561
Bar Mitzvah & Bris Centerpieces 1:00pm-3:00pm 917-751-4909
Bentchers Z. Braun 718-438-6313
Linen Aliza Sturm 718-853-4934
Simchas Rivky Cake Gemach To donate 917-776-5642
To Obtain 718-871-5887
Bris Outfit Gitty (after 3 pm) 718-435-3638
Tables & chairs Sh. Nulman 718-510-6583
Mezuza S. Lowinger 718-666-7222
Mitzvah Man
Brooklyn, NY
A volunteer based organization which provides practical assistance to those in need by doing errands, bringing food, visiting the hospitalized, homebound and those in nursing homes, assisting the elderly and disabled with chores, and more. Areas served include Brooklyn, Flatbush, Midwood, Deal, Long Branch, Manhattan