Wheelchairs, Strollers, Durable Equipment
Variety the Children's Charity is dedicated to promoting and protecting the health and well-being of children around the world. Through our network of 43 Tents (or Chapters) in 13 countries, Variety reaches into communities across the globe to offer financial assistance and services to children and organizations that serve children with special needs.
Variety World Headquarters
4601 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 260
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tel: 323. 934. 4688
Fax: 323. 658. 8789
Website: www.varietychildrenscharity.org
International President: Julia Morley
Chief Operating Officer: Bill Hopkins
Director of Development and Communication: Michael Huffman
(note: there are additional offices for each of the worldwide locations, to be found at their website: www.varietychildrenscharity.org