Emergency Home Repairs


Hamaspik Restore Program 


Orange & Rockland Counties, New York - 845-503-0200

Brooklyn, New York - 718-387-8400 ext 428

Hamaspik in conjunction with The NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC), is now administering the RESTORE Program in certain areas of NY. The RESTORE Program is for senior (60+) low-income (Section 8 eligible - does not exceed 80 percent of the area median income) homeowners in need of emergency repairs (something which affects the health and safety of the homeowner, is considered any emergency repair) to their home. The home can be no more than a one-to-four unit dwelling, that is owned and occupied by the homeowner, and work undertaken cannot exceed $5,000 per building.

Once a home is deemed appropriate to receive RESTORE funds, the Homeowner must sign an agreement which states that if he sells the building within 3 years, he must return the funds used to improve his property. This form will be filed with the county clerk.