Navigating the Special Ed System in Israel


 Thank you to Ziva Shapiro, Clinical Director and Owner of Mercaz Rakefet Child Development Center in Ramat Bet Shemesh, for her professional contributions to this article.

Gan Safa, Vaadat Hasama, Kita Mikademet - hearing all of these technical terms in Hebrew, you may feel like you have just landed on a new planet. You may be wondering, “What are these names and what do they have to do with my child?” In truth, the process of placing a child in a special education program can be stressful, and sometimes scary, no matter which country you’re living in. Combining these factors with the unknowns of a new language and culture, makes the challenge more significant.

If you are concerned about your child's early development and are wondering if he or she needs to be in a special Gan, or if your third grader still can't read fluently and the school suggests moving him or her to a special class, you may need help or guidance in order to understand the system. 

If you are in the planning stages of your Aliyah and know that your child needs special needs services, make sure to bring current evaluations with you (less than a year old). If you suspect (but aren't sure) that your child may need special needs services, it is recommended to have your child evaluated before you come. You will need to have the evaluations translated, once you obtain them. Note that non-citizen students do not receive any special education services.

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