Please note—The information here comes from many sources. Please check individual group for suitability for your family’s needs.
Shalom Task Force
888-883-2323, 718-337-3700
It hurts to call a domestic abuse hotline. It hurts more not to.
Confidential hotline with trained staff who can help you explore your options. They can refer you to recognized professionals for counseling, legal advice, or help in finding a safe environment. They can also put you in touch with some very special Rabbonim.
Sovri Hotline
You don’t have to be alone. Confidential hotline providing emotional support for Orthodox victims of abuse.
Trained volunteers provide help, support, information, and referrals.
Under the auspices of Beth Israel Medical Center.
Sarah’s Voice
Free legal aid for Orthodox Jewish victims of domestic violence. Services include:
1. Legal consultation
2. Restraining orders
3. Contested & uncontested divorces
4. Custody
5. Visitation
6. Child support
7. Spousal support
8. Paternity
This project is supported by a grant from the U. S. Department of Justice.