Jewish Genetic Disorders



Program For Jewish Genetic Health Of Yeshiva University


Yeshiva Uniersity's program to help provide education on and to eradicate Jewish genetic diseases.

To learn more about Jewish genetic disease carrier screening, and to pre-register for an appointment for screening and genetic counseling at their offices at Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein, see

Dor Yeshorim Pre Engagement Testing Program

Dor Yeshorim is an international Jewish organization created to stop the spread of Jewish genetic diseases by preventing the marriage of two carriers.  Males and females of marriageable age take a simple blood test under Dor Yeshurun’s auspices, which are analyzed in Dor Yeshorim’s own specialized laboratory.  Carrier status for any genetic disorder from Dor Yeshorim’s list is recorded on their central  database for future reference.  Each person receives an identification number, which he/she will use in the future to identify himself to Dor Yeshorim’s staff.  To protect family confidentiality, no names are ever used.

Before considering marriage, the couple will call Dor Yeshorim’s hotline to check if both their ID numbers are genetically compatible—in other words, if they are NOT both carriers of the same genetic disease.  They will never be told their actual carrier status—they will only be told whether or not they are genetically compatible. The purpose is to possibly prevent the marriage of two carriers of the same genetic disease while not burdening them and their families with the agonizing social and emotional burden that comes with knowing their abnormal genetic carrier status.  This program accepts only couples before their engagement.  Others are referred to genetic counselors

Dor Yeshorim has many branches across the globe, all connected to the central database.

Their main branch is located at:

429 Wythe Avenue

Brooklyn, New York   11211


Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders

From their website:

The Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders is a critical effort to provide public and professional education and to empower community members to seek out information and prevention strategies. With its current set of sponsors, the Center represents the blending of science with religious, cultural and historical sensitivity and awareness. The Center seeks to become the voice that translates laboratory discoveries into accessible information for the Jewish community at risk as well as for physicians and other health care providers.

Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders
Ben Gurion Way
30 S. Wells St.
Chicago, IL   60606

Phone: (312) 357-4718
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Victor Centers for Jewish Genetic Diseases

From their website:

The mission of the Victor Centers for Jewish Genetic Diseases is to ensure ongoing access to comprehensive genetic education, screening and counseling services. This is accomplished through Jewish community education programs and screening programs for healthy individuals at risk for being carriers of a gene mutation for any one of these diseases.

5501 Old York Road, Levy 2 West

Philadelphia, PA 19141
Phone: 877-401-1093