866-MEKIMI-1 (866-635-4641)
Religious organization providing live & digital entertainment for patients.
For chronic patients, they also provide games, toys, parties, nosh, Shabbatons, tickets to concerts, etc.
Simcha live hookups available.
Serving Brooklyn, Lakewood, Monroe, Monsey, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, and London
877-905-8181, 732-905-9191
Religious organization dedicated to lifting the spirits of children and adults who are hositalized, bedridden, or facing serious illness. Services include:
- Homebound & hospital entertainment
- Arts & crafts / woodworking
- Major family parties & events
- Outings
- Free DVD / Video library
- Dream Come True program
- Gift giving program
The Tantzers
The Tantzers have both men and women volunteers who travel to different locations to sing and dance in order to bring joy to the sick and the underprivileged. They help families forget their pain, fill up with happiness, and gather strength for their ongoing medical challenges.
They will also dance at weddings to uplift families in need.