Please note:  The following is a list of specialists recommended to us by fellow Beineinu parents, listed in order of receipt.
Inclusion on this list does not constitute a recommendation by Beineinu.
Specialists may accept additional insurances other than those listed.


Physiatrists specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation.  They can get subspecialty certification in spinal cord injury medicine, pain medicine, and pediatric rehabilitation medicine.

1)      Dr. Armento 


            Children’s Specialized Hospital

            Mountainside, NJ

            Does Botox injections, casting, alcohol blocks, and braces.

2)      American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 

            Information and referrals to their members.


            1 IBM Plaza

            Suite 2500

            Chicago, Illinois   60611-3604

            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3)     Dr. Janet Pomerantz


           Pediatric physiatrist (dr of rehab medicine)
