Seating And Mobility Clinics---NYC area

I must stress how important it is to have equipment evaluations done by professionals who understand not only how a particular disability affects the body but also how every component of the equipment works to achieve the ideal result for the particular client. 

These professionals work with experienced vendors to put together a custom piece of equipment and adjust it for the best fit. 

They will also adjust the equipment as needed during the few years it is used. Bear in mind that most insurance companies will pay for a particular piece of equipment only once in 5 years.  So allowing for growth is very important.


All of the following have Seating and Mobility Clinics at various locations in the NYC area that work with children and adult patients and accept Medicaid and/or Medicare. A referral from physician is required -- sometimes embedded in the intake form, sometimes separate. These links get you to the website pages that describe their wheelchair supports:


NYU-Langone Rusk Rehabilitation Center


Mount Sinai

Columbia/NY Presbyterian

Blythedale Children's Hospital in Valhalla

Helen Hayes