Courtesy of Teen Pages

Important pointers for the big chop:

Shoot for Rapunzel!

The two biggest hair donation acceptors in the frum world are Chai Lifeline and Zichron Menachem (based in Israel). Chai Lifeline requires at least 12 inches of hair. Zichron Menachem will accept 10, but prefers more. The longer the better!

No Japanese straightening, please.

The hair should be as natural and fresh as possible. Colored or dyed is acceptable, as long as it’s still good quality hair.

Haircuts are your friend.

When you’re growing out your hair, you might think regular trims are a no-no, but they’re actually a must. Hair that’s full of dead ends makes for poor wig material.

Redhead discrimination?

No. You don’t have to have stunning, silky blonde hair to qualify. Cancer strikes children and teens with all hair colors and types—frizzy, curly, carrot-top red—so all hair is welcomed, except if it’s completely gray or white.

Wate not, want not.

Even if the organization can’t use your hair for some reason, they’ll often sell it to wig companies to raise money for sick children. So your hard work will not have gone to waste.

Keep it clump-free.

Knotted or tangled hair is unusable, so before you take the big snip, braid your hair tightly, then cut it off. The braid will keep your hair in excellent condition until it can be used.

A hairy package.

Hair donations can be delivered in person or by mail. Just make sure the braid is perfectly dry when you put it into a sealed plastic bag.

Did you know?

Creating a wig requires a lot of hair—usually three complete pony tails!

Not just a girl thing.

A ponytailed boy getting an upsheren is also a great candidate for hair donating.

A mitzvah for a bas mitzvah.

Many girls choose to grow out and donate their hair in honor of their upcoming bas mitzvah. What a beautiful way to mark coming of age as a fully responsible shomeres Torah u’motzvos!

To donate hair:

Chai Lifeline


Zichron Menachem (Israel)

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Locks Of Love

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