Events Calendar
01:00pm Webinar: iPad and LVI Video Magnifiers
A discussion about LVI solutions that couple the Apple iPad with the MagniLink video magnifiers: the WifiCam, MagniWifi, iTAB, MLS, Pro, and Zip when equipped with a connection board.
Learning objectives are as follows:
- To learn how an iPad can be wirelessly or directly connected to our devices and the benefits/drawbacks of each connection method in the classroom, at home, and at work.
- To discuss the LVI video magnifier camera choices available to a person with low vision who is an iPad user.
- To synthesize the information to make a recommendation that best meets an individual's needs.
ACVREP credits are available for this webinar.
06:00pm - 07:00pm Navigating the System: What Parents Need to Know
This presentation will offer an overview of the different state services that are available here in New Jersey for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities---Under 21; Over 21; Transition from children’s system of care to division of developmental disabilities. Registration requested.
07:00pm Webinar: Accessible Voting
Contact: Meeting ID: 416 814 8519 Passcode: 92645 Dial
Charlie Kinnune from Democracy Live will present information about accessible voting, both in person and via electronic absentee ballot. There will be a demonstration of their company’s accessible electronic absentee voting. This can be an issue for people with many disabilities as well as blind and visually impaired individuals.
08:00pm Mini Networking Night for mothers of children ages 16+
Location Inwood, New York
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 212-747-8763Yahlom’s evening of networking opportunities for mothers of children 16 years and older. Topics include dayhabs, employment, financial planning, guardianship, respite, social opportunities, and residential placements. Registration requested.