Events Calendar
09:00am - 04:30pm An Introduction to Working With Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
This is an introductory course that will give attendees insight into working with school-age children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This training course will highlight general characteristics of ASD along the developmental life span. It will explore strategies and tips for working with children in the classroom, partnering with parents, transitioning from adolescence, and supporting adults in the workplace. Practical visual supports will be shared which can be used in various settings. It will also include valuable information about autism and sexuality, employment, and aging. CEUs available. Registration requested.
12:00pm - 01:00pm College Options For Students With I/DD
This workshop will provide information about the different opportunities that college may offer your student with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We will suggest steps to add to your student’s IEP that can help orient him or her to the differences between high school and college, and accessing supports offered to students with IDD. Registration requested.