Events Calendar
12:00pm - 01:00pm Yes, Your Child Can Work! Working Toward Employment For People With I/DD
For many people, a job is something that helps define who they are. It give us a meaningful place to go everyday, a way to explore our interests, a means of earning money, and a way to be a part of our community. This workshop will discuss different employment options available to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and hands—on tools for preparing students for employment. Registration requested.
01:00pm Back To School With LVI America
This webinar will focus on LVI video magnifiers that are student favorites – from the tried and true, ever popular MLS to our tablet-based, computer and video magnifier combinations – we have just what your student with low vision needs in the classroom, in the library, and at home. Join as we describe benefits of and differences between the MagniLink S, MagniLink TAB, and MagniLink WifiCam. It will also offer suggestions for choosing the appropriate magnifier for each student. Registration requested.