Events Calendar

Thursday 22 June 2023
  • NF Summit

    Location Fairmont Princess Hotel Scottsdale, Arizona


    The summit brings together NF patients and families, volunteers, event organizers, researchers, clinicians, patient advocates, friends, and supporters who have a connection to neurofibromatosis. Registration requested.


  • 12:00pm - 02:00pm  Webinar: National Pathways to Transition


    As your child reaches adolescence, you will begin to work with him or her, your school district and others to develop a plan for the transition to adulthood. Think about what adult life will include - a job, post-secondary education, a day habilitation program, living outside of the family home? Once the goals are decided upon (and they can change), a transition plan will be developed that builds the skills necessary for your child to be able to achieve these goals in adult life. Join Autism Speaks as we discuss Transition to Adulthood with guest speakers who will share personal and professional experiences, perspectives, and insight from across the spectrum. Registration requested.