Kids Like These
ילדים כאלה - Kids Like These
By Chaya Tavin
(ילדים כאלה = "Yeladim Ka'eleh" = in Hebrew, meaning "Kids like these")
ילדים "כאלה"
Whose eyes do slant a bit
ילדים "כאלה"
Whose tongues just don’t quite fit
ילדים "כאלה"
Who learn things somewhat slow
"כאלה" ילדים
I’ll tell you what “they” know
“They” know who really loves them
Whose smile is sincere
“They” know who needs an extra smile
Who’s about to shed a tear
“They” know that people stare sometimes
Don’t see beyond the שוני"”
“They” know that there are many who just think of them as “פלוני”
“They” know that many love them
And help along the way
To help them learn to crawl and walk
And run and speak and play
ילדים כאלה""
There’s one more thing to know
There is a unique person
Behind that label “slow”
Please don’t tell me, kind sir
That “Down syndrome’s like this”
Or tell me Miss Experienced
The milestones he will miss
Please don’t call him אלה""
He has a name, my son
He is his own dear person
Not a “them;” but one
My son is a creation
A uniquely crafted being
Sent by the Master Craftsman
To help improve our seeing
His personality’s all his own
His strengths and weaknesses, too
Please see the good unique to him
He’ll do the same for you