Man With Spina Bifida Makes Cross-Country Trip by Wheelchair


     Paralympian Ryan Chalmers accomplished a feat no athlete has done before – he pushed his racing wheelchair across the United States in only 71 days, with his journey starting in California on April 6, and ending up in New York on June 15.


     Born with Spina Bifida, Chalmers has used a wheelchair his entire life. He has competed in countless marathons at the University of Illinois and represented the United States at the 2012 London Paralympics Games.


     His trek, called Ryan’s Push, is meant to raise awareness of the full potential of people with disabilities. He was inspired to take on this challenge to help an organization called Stay-Focused, a public charity that empowers teens with disabilities to experience greater physical and social mobility through SCUBA certification and leadership development programs.


     Chalmer’s journey concluded at Central Park in New York City, with fans lining the streets. With a police escort, he pushed into the park where he was greeted by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities Commissioner Victor Calise, who read a letter of congratulations from Mayor Michael Bloomberg.