Rav Moshe Shapiro
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13 Shevat 5750
To my dear Reb Baruch
Shalom to you and your family.
I’d like to share with you some heartfelt thoughts…Since the birth of your son Nota Shlomo, I have believed that if, with Hashem’s help, you will succeed in the challenge which was given to you, then you will have been presented with an incomparable gift.
This child has within him the capability to accomplish that which nothing else in the world can do – to actualize wondrous and powerful energy latent in the recesses of your heart.
Primarily, I wish to focus on one point – understand it and master it (and would that all people would comprehend this): the significance of each even indiscernible aspect of the human makeup. Each iota of progress and achievement achieved by Nota Shlomo, which with Hashem’s help, will increase his human dignity and esteem, each additional bit of understanding, independence, cognitive skills, deductive reasoning, ability to draw conclusions and to relate to his environment – is the equivalent of conquering an entire world. One who has been graced by Hashem with a clear mind and conscience will learn to appreciate the importance of every bit of growth and improvement, and the formidable value inherent in each facet of the human makeup.
Each Neshoma is sent to this world with the purpose of rectifying something specific to it. Most people are sent to improve themselves primarily, and also to affect their surroundings according to their abilities. There are some Neshamos, however, which are sent as people incapable of adequately rectifying themselves. In defining their existence, then, we must understand that these are especially exalted Neshamos which in and of themselves need no correction. Their entire purpose in being sent to this world is to correct and better their surroundings.
A Neshama of this grand stature has been sent to your home. Accept it with much love, and assist it to perform the function for which it was sent.
Hashem should help you to carry out your role – to enable this Neshama to suitably fulfill its role. I pray that you should merit assistance form Hashem, and derive much nachas and blessing from all of your children.
With great affection,
(HaRav) Moshe (Shapiro)