Rabbi Tzvi Sytner
Rabbi Tzvi Sytner has delivered inspiring lectures worldwide, including the U.S., South Africa, Australia, and Israel. While studying in Israel led Jewish programs for over 1000 college students on Birthright. He has a popular video blog on Aish.com, viewed by over 8,500 per month. Additionally, Tzvi facilitates marriage counseling groups and individual therapy sessions in Westchester, and is a founder of the Jewish Renaissance Experience outreach organization in Westchester, NY, where he currently lectures and runs Jewish programming.
Our Waze or His Ways
Technology and the illusion of control.
Stop Complaining
Do something about it instead. YOU can make a difference
Purim: Feeling Someone’s Pain
Where did Mordechai’s get the strength to sit for 10 years outside the palace? He knew how to feel another’s pain and stick by their side through their crisis.
Just Breathe: How to Create a More Accepting World
Imagine a world where everyone really felt they were equal.