Rabbi Hajioff is the educational director of Birthright Israel Alumni in Manhattan, New York. He has been instrumental in implementing programs for Birthright Israel in Manhattan such as the very successful adult bar and bat mitzvah program which some four hundred people have completed so far. He also leads trips to Israel and Poland three times a year for hundreds of young professionals. On behalf of Birthright Israel, he leads leadership trips to Israel, Poland and Prague.

He is on the faculty of Stern College, where His very popular credited courses include courses on Moshiach, Jewish holidays, Shabbat and many others. He also teaches introductory Judaic studies courses, which cover all the foundations of Jewish thought.

Here is a selection of his classes which have been posted online:


The Five Levels of Pleasure


What is the Jewish view of pleasure? Are all pleasures the same? Rabbi Lawrence explores the topic of pleasure and its impact on life.



The Jewish Response to Tragedy


How does Judaism view tragedy? Is it meaningless suffering or is there a higher purpose and plan.




Why Get Married?


What is the purpose of marriage? Is there a central goal that married life should be giving us?




What's Up With Shabbat?


We spend a seventh of our lives in the world of Shabbat. Why is the secret behind this special and holy day?




Short Speech at the crematoria in Auschwitz.


 This is short speech on anti semitism given in the crematoria on a trip with students to Auschwitz-Birkenau




Finding Happiness in a Hectic World


What's the true root of a happy life? What is the Jewish view on finding happiness?




How to Make the Good Times Last


We all enjoy the good moments in life. But why don't they last? What's the secret to making the good times last?




You Make Me So Mad!


Tips and techniques in controlling anger




Jehova Witness at My Door


A short video of my discussion with a J-Witness at my door that went viral




Moshiach: Who is He, When is He Coming, and What Does He Want?


Rabbi Lawrence explores the Jewish view of the Messiah and why the Jews rejected Jesus.




What Do Your Dreams Mean?

