

the country's central source on toys and play for children with special needs

L.B., a Beineinu parent, recommends:

If you are in the US, google Lekotek in your area. They are a toy lending library who specifically service the SN community. A therapist (usually DT) assesses your child and helps you find appropriate toys, which you can borrow for a a month or two. Great, because you can try toys out to see if they are worth investing in or because there is constant variety. I believe there is a membership fee, although ours was covered by EI. Each time we went, I walked out with a huge Ikea reusable bag bursting with toys.




From Lekotek's Website:

Our Mission: Lekotek uses interactive play experiences, and the learning that results, to promote the inclusion of children with special needs into family and community life.

Lekotek is about kids - kids with special needs. Like all kids, children with special needs love to play. Lekotek makes the world of play accessible to children with all types of disabilities through special play and learning centers where they can have fun with traditional toys, adapted toys, books and computers. And while they are playing, Lekotek kids are learning new skills that build the base for literacy, mathematical reasoning and computer use.

Lekotek recognizes that raising a child with special needs is a family affair that puts demands on parents, siblings, caregivers, and extended family members. At Lekotek, families learn fun, creative and healthy ways to play together and to include their children into family and community activities. Children borrow adapted and traditional toys, books and software from Lekotek toy lending libraries for use at home.

Nationwide, there are 32 Lekotek sites that offer family play sessions, toy lending libraries, Compuplay family computer centers, and other innovative community-specific programming. With the focus on what the child with disabilities can do, and with attention to the needs of the entire family system that supports the child, Lekotek plays an important role in helping children with disabilities reach their full potential.