Autism Service Dogs

Dogs are trained to be one on one companions for Autistic children.  Companionship with these dogs serves to calm the child and reduce anxiety and meltdowns.  In many cases, children were able to reduce the dosages of their medications.


These dogs are trained to aid in the child’s safety, and will track a missing child.


Autism Service Dogs of America



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 4 Paws For Ability




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North Star Foundation




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Heeling Autism


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Heeling Autism dogs are trained to prevent a child with autism from bolting, and become an important element in keeping the child safe. Families involved in the program have also reported other, life-changing benefits from having a Heeling Autism dogs in their homes.

Heeling Autism dog in a family with an autistic child can:

  • increase social acknowledgment of the child by his or her peers;
  • provide companionship;
  • reduce parental stress; and
  • increase the child’s level of independence, confidence, and social acceptance.



Families that apply for an autism service dog must meet specific requirements.  Some of these criteria are listed below.  Final acceptance is at the discretion of the Admissions committee.

1.    Child must be 2-9 years old.

2.    Child must have an autism diagnosis.

3.    Child must live within 2 hour driving time from the Training School in Yorktown Heights. This is because the trainer has to make numerous trips to the family home for training and follow-ups.

4.    All family members must be open to a service dog in the home.

5.    No one in the home can be afraid of or allergic to dogs.

6.    Child must need the service dog for safety.

7.    The family must understand that an autism service dog represents a lifetime commitment.

8.    One or both parents must be able to spend five days and four consecutive nights at our Yorktown campus. If the child has two custodial parents BOTH parents must spend Tuesday (8 AM-5 PM) of that week on campus for training.

Note: This program is for families with autistic children, not for children who are visually impaired.


Medical Mutts

Indianapolis, Indiana

An organization that trains dogs that assist people who have diabetes, seizures, autism and narcolepsy, as well as psychiatric and mobility conditions. A certified team trains each dog for a specific type of need. They also offer lessons to the dogs’ owners, so they can maximize the help they receive from their service animal.