If joint pain or recent surgery makes taking the stairs difficult, the following techniques can make it easier and safer.


Please note—if you are on crutches and cannot put any weight on your weaker leg, avoid using stairs!


Go up with the good and down with the bad.


When going up stairs, lead with your strongest leg.  When going down stairs, lead with the weaker one.


Always face forward.


You are much less stable when turned sideways, especially if the staircase has no handrail.  Facing forward increases stability.


Using a cane with a handrail.


Use the cane on your side opposite the handrail.  When going upstairs, put your stronger leg on the next step first, followed by the cane, and then your weaker leg.  Going downstairs, lead with the cane, followed by your weaker leg and then your stronger leg.


Using a cane without a handrail.


Keep your cane on the side you would normally use it , and follow the same procedure as without a cane: good leg, cane, bad leg going up; cane, bad leg, good leg going down.


Using crutches without a handrail.


Use crutches under both arms and go upstairs with your stronger leg first, then the crutches, then the weaker leg.  When going down, lead with the crutches, then your weaker leg, then the stronger leg.


Using crutches with a handrail.


Grasp the handrail with one had and put both crutches together under the opposite arm, on your side opposite the handrail.  When going upstairs, put your stronger leg on the next step first, followed by the crutches, and then your weaker leg.  Going downstairs, lead with the crutches, followed by your weaker leg and then your stronger leg.