Siblings of Child with Special Needs

How to tell children about their sibling's special needs:

S.S. shares:

I found this book helpful for speaking to the children about their child's special needs.  There are others on Amazon, too.

What's Wrong With Timmy

This book is helpful for telling kids about their sibling's special needs - S.S.


When 8-year-old Kate meets a boy who seems somehow different, she feels funny inside. After talking with her mom, though, Kate begins to understand that Timmy is just like her in many ways. Timmy has special needs; he takes longer to learn than Kate, and can't walk or run as well. But he also "loves his family, he wants friends, he goes to school, and he dreams about what he wants to be when he grows up." Kate and Timmy meet, and the seeds of a friendship are planted...