Ezer Mizion

03-614-4445     Main office in Bnei Brak

03-927-7777     Cancer Support Programs

5 Rabinov Street,

Bnei Brak 51563

Beitar branch:

Mrs. Shpiyetzky, Director

Admor Miruzin 18/1, Beitar


052-719-3102   Batsheva Berlin, cancer support service coordinator

Jerusalem branch:


Ezer Mizion has a number of services for cancer patients and their families. They also work together with insurance and other programs to get patients the services that they are entitled to.

They provide hot meals, babysitting, volunteer drivers to appointments, hospital volunteers, retreats, summer camps, trips, etc.

Beit Natan/ Lev Rochel

Bayit V’Gan

A self help group which matches new sufferers and those who have already been there and done that. They provide ongoing support to all of their members.