A Hungarian company has created a specifically for wheelchair operators with a top speed of 30 mph. The tiny vehicle can also travel up to thirty miles on a single charge, and weighs over 600 pounds without batteries.

      Called the Kenguru, it can be backed up to a curb with the rear hatch open so a wheelchair user can roll him or herself into it. It also has a small ramp which lowers to allow a wheelchair to be rolled down or up for exiting or entering.

      Once inside, the wheelchair can be locked down, so it does not move. In fact, the engine will not start until the wheelchair has been secured, and the rear door closed.

     The car’s controls can be operated from within a wheelchair. Steering is accomplished with a motorcycle-style handlebar, and there will be a joystick option available some time in the future.

      The Kenguru is classified as a scooter because of its light weight, so a car driver’s license is not required. Head lamps and turn signals are built into the sleek design, so it can be driven on city streets safely.

      The Kenguru is small enough to be driven right up to doorways with wheelchair ramps. People who are restricted to wheelchairs could use the tiny car for shopping, work, attending school or socializing in other words, to participate more fully in life. Loss of mobility is socially isolating, which in turn can be depressing.

      Being 100% electric, the car is also relatively green.

      Made by a company that has been creating aids for the handicapped since 1915, it will be available in the UK soon.


See their website, http://kenguru.com/